Hair Loss Has Started

This is one of the most traumatic parts of having to go through chemotherapy for a young person. There’s a spot about the size of a dollar coin where the hair has started coming out. It has steadily grown over the last day. Caleb was upset about it when it first started, but he is … Read more

Surprise, Surprise!

I started not to post this. I don’t want people to get the wrong idea about motives or about what is going on behind the scenes. But I shared this with a couple of close friends and they were so encouraged by the goodness of God and His people, so I thought I would share … Read more

More Injections

Caleb is terrified of needles. Nothing we do can console him. Last night we had another big struggle trying to give him his injection, and the tense muscles make it even more painful than normal. We talked for a while afterward and are going to try a different approach today. I talked to his oncologist … Read more

New Blog Photo

The new picture to the right is my favorite picture of Caleb. It was taken by the amazing Haley Lamb last year. You should go to her website and see her work. She is awesome!

A Break From Chemo

We went to the Oncology clinic yesterday for Caleb to take his chemo. It took a couple of hours for the drugs to come up from the pharmacy, but once they were there it took about 2 minutes to administer it! Also, they showed us some ways to reduce the pain of the injections, and … Read more

Day Off

Tomorrow we start another regimen of chemotherapy, but today we have an off day. We are going to go over our medication plans and will write everything out for each day so we have it all in one place for easy reference. Also, home school starts back for the boys today! We had given some … Read more

We’re Home

The hospital finally let us out at about 10:15 last night. Caleb had to have 4 hours of fluids after chemo and they had to show us about all his drugs and how to do injections on him, so it took a while to get done. His injections that he has to take daily cost … Read more

Another Doctor Impressed With Progress

I’m getting ready for church but I got this text from Holly a few minutes ago: Dr. B just came in. I told her that Dr. J said the tumor was already softening up, and she walked over to feel Caleb’s leg. Her response when she felt his leg . . . “Wow!” She was … Read more

Going Home Tomorrow

We got some more good news yesterday. Caleb’s oncologist that has been gone for a few days was back yesterday and came to check on him. She squeezed his leg around the tumor and made the comment about how much softer it was to her, and just like the head oncologist had said, she commented … Read more

Quick Update From Holly This Morning

I just got this email from Holly: Caleb slept from 11 until  . . . he is still sleeping.  He was having some pain around 10:20, they gave him some Tylenol at 10:30.  He said he wanted Benedryl to help him sleep – he didn’t think he could go to sleep.  I put on Hillsongs … Read more