In The Hospital

Things have been progressing as well as they possibly can for Caleb. We are back in the hospital for the five day regimen. There have been a flurry of doctors, nurses, students, and Child Life people since we got here, but it has finally quieted down a bit.

Holly is coming up this afternoon to pick up Joshua. It is Monday, which means it is Family Dinner night. Every Monday a local church brings food up for the families that are here in the hospital. It is very nice as McDonalds gets old really fast up here! Plus, it gives us all a chance to sit down and eat together during this stressful time at the hospital. Thank God for the churches that provide the meals. It is such a blessing.

It’s going to be a tough week logistically for us as we are having to work out what to do with Joshua. Family is unavailable to keep him this week and we were concerned with how we were going to manage, but we came up with a battle plan last night. It will involve a lot of driving – especially for Holly. She is going to take off Thursday to be here with Caleb so I can go do some work. Fortunately, school is almost over for the year, so we can see some light at the end of the tunnel and she will be able to take over Caleb’s care for a few weeks and hopefully I can get some work going during that time. The eBay stuff is picking up steam and I have some more auctions to go to this week. I am also selling some items on eBay for some people this week.

I met a lady today in the clinic before they moved us over to the hospital. She shared how they were basically just maintaining her son after they found out he had cancer again after remission. They were trying to make his life as comfortable as possible. She was resigned to the fact that he was not going to make it this time. What a sad place to be, but what a wonderful time for me to share what God had done and God can do! I told her Caleb’s testimony and implored her to not give up hope. Hopelessness is the lowest of all lows. I shared of what He had done for us and for me in my life, and that He loved her and had a plan for her. I have been praying for them all afternoon and ask you to pray for them, as well.

When we first started the WePay donations, we had a couple of folks that wanted to give with Paypal as they were more comfortable with that. We now are set up to receive donations on Paypal. The link is on the right side of each page and is done through Fundrazr with Paypal. We expect nothing except your prayers and emotional support, but we appreciate the gifts and financial support we have received to help with expenses and medical bills. This is just for information for those that would like to take advantage of the opportunity to use Paypal. Thanks so much for your generosity over the last few months! We pray Luke 6:38 over every gift we receive.

Pray for us for strength and rest, and for the side effects of chemo to be of NO EFFECT on Caleb this week. Our God is greater!

This week’s verse – “Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” – Acts 10:34-35