This week we did not get to do any chemo with Caleb. We were scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday this week, but his platelets were too low when we got his counts Tuesday morning for them to do chemo this week. We will give it another go next Tuesday and Wednesday. That will extend us further into the fall for his ending date.
I am starting a new section to the blog called Victory Through Praise. If you are subscribed to the blog, you should continue to receive the posts that I label as “Caleb,” and you can change your settings if you would also like to include notifications of posts in the new section. God has been dealing with me over the last couple of weeks in my quiet times about victory in every area of our lives. We have been a little remiss about why we have seen such tremendous victory in the area of healing, yet we are struggling in the area of finances. We knew that when all this started and I had to quit work to provide care for Caleb that things would be tough. We knew it would be really tough. And we have had to give up a lot of things that we were accustomed to doing. That is fine. We don’t complain about that one bit. We have too much to be thankful for. But as a child of God, the same Word that gave us the promises that saw us through to healing also give us the promise that God knows the things we have need of before we even pray and that He would provide for those needs. However – like in receiving healing – you can’t just sit back and wait for something to happen. In the words of one of my favorite worship leaders, William McDowell, “Nothing happens until something is spoken!” So I have adjusted and positioned myself accordingly to line up with God’s Word in every area that we may have a need in in the future.
So this new section of the blog will be dedicated to encouragement, edification, and the pathway to victory in EVERY area of our lives. You are welcome to join and be a part of that, or just continue to follow along on Caleb’s journey.