Surgery This Week

Last week, we finally got a chance to have the scans on Caleb done to see where everything stood. We had not had any scans or xrays since back in September when he was first diagnosed with a tumor. The tumor was the size of a cue ball and was visible and could easily be felt. It was completely gone after the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival back in November.

We got to see the results of the xray immediately. Where you could see the tumor quite well last year, there was nothing to be seen! The MRI, however, did show that the tumor was still there, although tiny in size compared to when he was first diagnosed. The good news besides the small size of the tumor now is that the bone scan and MRI showed there are still no other cancer cells visible anywhere else in his body and the cancer has diminished and not spread.So our next step is surgery to remove the remnants of the tumor and cancer.

Tomorrow we go in for surgery and will be at the hospital all week. We have to be there at 6:30 at the Children’s Medical Center and they are going to remove a few inches of the left fibula – the smaller of the two bones, Doctors say that he will function just fine without the bone, so they will not put any rods or anything else to replace it. But here is where we need your prayers and agreement. The surgeon says that he will have to sever the nerve that controls upward movement of Caleb’s foot, and that he will no longer be able to lift his foot which would require him to wear a brace indefinitely. He did tell us, however, that there could be a small plane of tissue around the nerve that he could cut away and not cut the nerve, but that “it would take a miracle” not to have to sever it. So we need our friends to agree with us in prayer that he will not have to sever the nerve. We serve a God of miracles and we believe for that!

Caleb has been so strong and has had a few small bouts of dealing with fear, but when he heard about the nerve, he bawled like I have never seen him cry before. When he could finally get it together, he told me the problem. Knowing my son, I knew exactly what the issue was before he even said it; he would no longer be able to shift gears on his four wheeler if they sever the nerve. It is a manual transmission, not an automatic. It broke my heart. I wish I could just buy him an automatic, but we have a friend that says they think they can weld on a handle where he can shift with his hand. We are hoping that will work for him because there is nothing he likes more than to go riding around our property and wherever he can. We just need that nerve to stay intact for so many reasons.

We did move back to our house this past week and are getting settled back in. There’s no place like home! It is nice to be back in the country and we are going to have to make some more adjustments with several more months of treatments ahead, but it is worth it to be back in our house.

Our family is so thankful for the love and support that so many have shown. Please continue to pray for these things with us. We still have a long way to go on this journey. Thanks for hanging in there with us. We could not do this without you.

We are still standing on the Word of God, and we know that God started a good work and He will finish it. Today’s scripture – “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” -Phil 1:6


A friend took this photo of Caleb worshiping at church yesterday during the song, “Healer.” Makes a daddy proud!

1 thought on “Surgery This Week”

  1. Been praying, praying, will be praying…..more important…… JESUS is interceding for Caleb & all of you. Our GOD is an awesome GOD, and He is in control. I know He is so proud of Caleb & the great faith & trust all of you have in HIM. We give HIM praise for what He is doing. Caleb is in HIS hands this morning and always. Thank you, JESUS!


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